Microsoft Certification Roadmap
Choose your path to success.
*Sixty-four percent of IT hiring managers rate certifications as having extremely high or high value in validating the skills and expertise of job candidates.
Whether you’re an experienced IT professional or new to the field, SureSkills have the training and certification path that will help lead you to success. Our classes are taught by Microsoft Certified Trainers, so you can be confident that the course material is accurate, complete, and up to date. Great training leads to Microsoft Certification, the premier credential of IT professionals worldwide. Certification is available for a diverse spectrum of job roles and responsibilities, and validates your ability to get the job done right.
*(CompTIA, Employer Perceptions of IT Training and Certification, January 2011)
To find out which Microsoft Certification path is right for you, contact one of our Learning Consultants today on 01-240 2262 / or for our Belfast office contact us on 028 9093 5555 /