This Code brings together the fundamental principles that illustrate our common commitment to integrity in our daily professional behaviour. It sets out the standards of conduct that should motivate each of us as employees, as well as our partners and suppliers. It provides us with clear guidance to ensure that we all comply with all applicable national as well as international laws and regulations.
SureSkills respects anti-corruption laws in all countries in which we operate.
No employee or any other person acting on behalf of SureSkills may offer, promise or make payments or give any other object of a particular value or require or accept such object for the purpose of influencing public and civil servants or employees or other persons or in order to achieve unfair business advantage. It is also prohibited to offer, authorise or pay or provide any benefit with the intention of undue influence on public and civil servants or employees to gain an unfair business advantage. SureSkills employees and third parties acting on behalf of SureSkills are not allowed to offer, seek or receive bribes or other illegal payments to enter into or maintain their affairs, are not allowed to engage in money laundering and are obliged to comply with the general principles of combating money laundering, corruption and bribery as defined by relevant conventions on combating corruption and money laundering.
Employees or any other person acting on behalf of SureSkills must not give or accept any gifts, signs of gratitude or entertainment offers that could affect business transactions or making decisions of employees, business partners or clients. The practice of giving gifts and providing entertainment may differ in different cultures or countries, but all gifts and entertainment, received or provided, must be in accordance with the law, must not violate the policies and rules of the provider and the recipient and must be in accordance with local practices, customs and laws.
Payments that speed up procedures include the provision of informal benefits with the aim to facilitate and speed up activities or procedures for which the person who makes such payment is legally authorised. We in SureSkills do not promise any benefits, make payments or give any gifts to speed up decisions by state authorities, officials, business partners or any other third party.
Conflicts of interest arise when the employees or other persons acting on behalf of SureSkills, upon carrying out their work in SureSkills, put their personal, social, financial, entrepreneurial or political interests or interests of their family members or other affiliated persons before the interest of SureSkills. A conflict of interest exists when individual personal interests affect or may affect the ability of employees to objectively make decisions and perform their jobs for SureSkills.
In accordance with the provisions of applicable legal regulations and our internal procedures and regulations, our employees must avoid situations of real and potential conflict of interest, including situations that may appear as a conflict of interest in relation to their position, job or themselves.
We expect our employees to refrain from all activities that are inconsistent with SureSkills' interests and to make decisions in an impartial and objective manner. All possible conflicts of interest must be reported to the immediate superior, and if this is not possible for any reason, the Legal Department or the Compliance Officer must be consulted through the reporting channel.